Speaking engagements

Overcome uncertainty and get clear about your business

Through a simple planning framework, experience a clear direction, purposeful growth, and relief from the overwhelming uncertainty.

🗹 A simple planning framework and transformative roadmap for growth

🗹 Stop fighting over inconsistent results

🗹 Drive growth, relevance, and team unity

🗹 Work on the things that matter

🗹 Guide your team with the behaviors you want to see in your workplace

🗹 Get clear on your messages and improve employee engagement

🗹 Apply a trusted roadmap to drive success

🗹 Create team and personal ownership

🗹 Get everyone rowing in the same direction

🗹 Provide a clear path toward fulfillment and purposeful growth.

Create a Compelling Vision that Motivates Your Employees and Enhances Productivity

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Provide Clarity and Purposeful Growth for Businesses

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Watch your audience walk away with a simple planning framework for success

I help you apply a transformative framework that leads to a simple plan, so your team constantly works on the right things.

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The business landscape is shifting. At one time, the profit-first model drove strategic decision-making. Now business leaders are struggling with disengaged employees, unclear plans, and lack of purpose. It’s time to take a step back, get down to the heart of your organization’s mission, and lead with purpose.

“An indispensable roadmap for purpose-driven prosperity. A must-read for every business leader.”

- Dr. Robert G. Cooper, creator of Stage-Gate® process, best-selling author, internationally ranked thought-leader

A must-read for visionary leaders who dare to choose purpose over profit.

- Abagail Pumphrey, CEO of Boss Project & Host of the Strategy Hour Podcast


Simple Strategic Planning

Small business operators don't launch their ventures to get lost in chaos. They embark on this journey driven by a passion for enhancing customer experiences through superior products and services. Simple planning creates clarity, team unity, and purposeful growth. I present a straightforward framework for planning that brings clarity and direction to your team, ensuring everyone is always working on activities that will drive your business forward.

Why Your Story Matters

Share your narrative and delve into the art and science of storytelling. Discover how the power of storytelling shapes behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. This will help you guide a purpose-driven business that resonates with significance. Gain insight into your internal and external influences and find inspiration for crafting a brighter future.

Seacresting Your Values

Establish the behaviors you aspire to cultivate within your organization. Mobilize your team to make swifter decisions that harmonize with your guiding principles. Express appreciation and commemorate both individual and collective achievements. Transform your core values into actionable initiatives, fostering team cohesion and individual responsibility. Attract the caliber of talent you envision for your organization.

It's easy to get lost in the daily whirlwind of operations. With a clear strategy, your vision for growth and purpose can rise above the clutter and chaos.


1-on-1 Coaching