• "A poor leader will tell you how many people work for them. A great leader will tell you how many people they work for."

    Simon Sinek, Author, Inspirational Speaker

  • “A vision without a strategy remains an illusion.”

    Lee Bolman, Author, speaker and professor of leadership and organization studies.

  • "If you aren’t fully embracing the Purpose Economy by now and transforming your entire organization, you are going to join the likes of Blockbuster, RadioShack, Sears, Kodak, and Tower Records."

    Aaron Hurst, author of “The Purpose Economy”

  • "Determine what behaviors and beliefs you value as a company, and have everyone live true to them. These behaviors and beliefs should be so essential to your core, that you don’t even think of it as culture.”

    Brittany Forsyth, VP of Human Relations, Shopify

  • “Strategy is about setting yourself apart from the competition. It’s not a matter of being better at what you do – it’s a matter of being different at what you do.”

    Michael Porter, One of the world’s most influential thinkers on management and competitiveness.

  • “Strategy is figuring out what not to do.”

    Steve Jobs

  • "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

    Warren Buffet

  • “A goal should scare you a little and excite you A LOT.”

    Joe Vitale, Author

  • “Option A is not available. So let’s kick the sh** out of option B.”

    Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

  • “How well we communicate is not determined by how well we say things but how well we are understood.”

    Andrew Grove, Intel Co-founder, CEO

Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Breaking the Productivity Spell

I dedicated my time on YouTube to searching for advertisements focusing on making a social impact. These were the videos with powerful messages that pulled at your heartstrings and motivational speeches ranging from 30 seconds to three minutes. I viewed ads from prominent companies like Nike and Starbucks and impactful talks by people like Brené Brown and Jim Carrey. Out of all these videos, the ones that spoke to me the most shared two key qualities: authenticity and vulnerability.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

The Power of Transparency: Building Stronger Teams

Your success is no longer solely dependent on a solid strategy. Fostering a culture of transparency is crucial in driving collaboration, building trust, and reaching team goals. As leaders, we recognize the significant impact of transparency, and in this article, we will delve into its importance in creating stronger teams.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Apple’s Core Belief & Worldview

When Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985 due to a massive disagreement with the CEO and the board, Apple lost its way. When Jobs returned to Apple as interim CEO in 1997, he had the daunting task of restoring Apple’s profitability. Through his remarkable efforts, the company went from a loss of $1.04 billion to a profit of $309 million in just one year.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

B Corps Explained: What They Are and Why They Matter to You

B Corps have chosen to join a worldwide movement toward viewing business as a means for positive change, reshaping the definition of “success” to use profits and expansion for a greater purpose. Their dedication lies in creating an economy that is inclusive and sustainable for all.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

What Is Your Superpower

Your company has one or two distinct strengths that drive your success. Once identified, these core strengths guide your employees and strengthen your differentiated workplace culture. These strengths are your superpower.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Blaze Your Trail with Purpose

The path to your success is a winding road - not a straight line. Be curious. Take chances. Try new things. Get outside your comfort zone and lean into the wrong turns you take. The accomplishments you desire are often found along the imperfect journey behind you, made up of your blunders, trips, and slips.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Leadership Also Happens When No One Is Watching

Genuine leadership isn't a façade; it's a lived experience. It's about consistently showing up, not just when the spotlight is on but also in the quiet moments when no one is watching. It's about fostering a culture of accountability, transparency, and empathy, where growth is nurtured and mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Every Girl’s Dream is Possible

During my talk on How to Start a Business, I shared with 200 seventh graders the importance of following your passions and doing what you love.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Three Things I Learned From Writing a Book

I have gathered three valuable lessons from my experience writing and publishing my upcoming book, Purposeful Performance: The Secret Mix of Connecting, Leading, and Succeeding. The launch is approaching, and I am excited to share these insights.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Your Strategic Plan - To Moderate or Not Moderate

Having a moderator for your strategy meeting is beneficial in keeping everyone on track and focused. Who to appoint as the moderator will depend on your budget and specific needs. A professional and experienced moderator can ensure that discussions stay on topic, provide an unbiased perspective, and effectively manage the meeting schedule.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Four Phrases to Remove From Your Vocabulary - and Mine

While writing my book, I relied on familiar phrases and terminology that I have used countless times. However, I didn’t truly take the time to contemplate the meaning and impact of my chosen words. It wasn’t until after two editors, a copy editor, and the proofreading stage that I was finally called out for being unintentionally insensitive. And they were right to do so.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Empathetic Connection At Work Through Sawubona

In a world driven by personal goals and achievements, the Zulu phrase Sawubona, pronounced sow:’bo:nah, serves as a poignant reminder of the value of community and human connection. Translated to "I see you - you are important to me, and I value you," this phrase encourages us to be mindful of the needs of others and to recognize the unique worth of each individual within our society.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Dump Your SMART Goals and Get MEAN

SMART goals are ineffective and dumb. You need MEAN goals. Ensure your key goals adhere to the MEAN goal criteria, and create a framework that promotes clarity, meaning, and accountability for what truly matters. The MEAN goal framework becomes a signpost for your organization, helping everyone understand what needs to be achieved, how, and when—and why their work matters.

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Jonathan Stanley Jonathan Stanley

Why Core Values Matter in Business

Your team makes decisions every day at work. However, decision-making can only be more straightforward with clear guidelines and trust in each other. That's where our core values come in; they act as a steady compass, guiding us through uncertain situations. When confronted with tough choices, we can turn to our values to ensure that our decisions align with our principles and long-term goals.

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