Transform Your Business: From Profit to Purpose

Simplify your strategy, align your team, and create a lasting impact.

Are you struggling with disengaged employees and an unclear vision? Ready to shift from a profit-first model to a purpose-driven strategy that transforms your business and impacts the world?


Every book you buy helps us give a book to those in need. Plus, I will sign your book with a special message just for you.

With your support, we can provide an essential guide and framework for individuals from underprivileged backgrounds who aspire to start their businesses. We also strive to donate books to libraries in need. Here's how you can help make a difference.

*For books purchased directly through this website only. Books ship week of August 26th.

What Early Readers Are Saying

  • This book is an indispensable roadmap for purpose-driven prosperity in an era where consumers and employees crave meaning and authenticity. Purposeful Performance is more than just doing well by doing good. It’s an inspirational and contagious read that motivates and empowers, making it a must-read for every business leader.

    Dr. Robert G. Cooper is creator of the world-famous Stage-Gate® process, Professor Emeritus at McMaster University, Canada, and ISBM Distinguished Research Fellow at Pennsylvania State University, USA. Best selling author and one of the most influential innovation thought-leaders in the business world today.

  • Purposeful Performance is that rare, indispensable resource for those determined to make the best of their lives today. Are you ready to learn the secret mix of connecting, leading, and succeeding—an endeavor that will influence your life? Then read this book from cover to cover. In doing so, you will grasp the function of cultivating meaning, adding value, and finding purpose.

    Steve Gilliland, bestselling author and Speaker Hall of Fame member

  • A must-read for visionary leaders who dare to choose purpose over profit. This book offers tactical insights that will transform how you craft company culture and align strategic goals with a values-driven mission. Jonathan Stanley candidly shares his own mistakes and provides heartfelt stories and practical examples to demonstrate how these principles can be thoughtfully executed.

    Abagail Pumphrey, CEO of Boss Project & Host of the Strategy Hour Podcast - TOP 10 BUSINESS PODCAST | 4 MILLION+ DOWNLOADS | 750+ EPISODES

  • Unlock the transformative power of purpose with this groundbreaking book. Jonathan Stanley challenges conventional wisdom by urging readers first to create something worth making and then to build something people genuinely care about. Purposeful Performance is your indispensable companion on the journey to meaningful success.

    Tricia Richards-Service, PhD, Founder and President, I Need A Speaker

  • Jonathan Stanley has delivered a tremendous tool… This book serves as a valuable guide for building bold and influential organizations with a fearless mindset. Whether you are an entrepreneur just forming your business or a seasoned executive wanting to implement change, this book will be a must-have companion on that journey.

    Randy Uens, Serial Entrepreneur, Dragons’ Den Survivor, Co-founder, CCO, Kensana Health

  • I would make this book required reading for every startup boot camp. If you're driven to create something truly meaningful—for your customers, employees, and community—then the keys to your success lie within these pages. This book is not just a guide; it's a torch that will light your way to impactful and lasting achievements.

    Scott West, President, King Brand Healthcare Products

  • This book offers a thoughtful roadmap, helping you explore both your business and personal compass as you navigate the balance between profitability and doing good. At the heart of Purposeful Performance lies the essence of purposeful change. Read it, act on it, and embark on a journey towards intentional living and business success.

    Rebecca Darling, MBA, PMEd., Associate Certified Coach

  • Prepare to be inspired. Purposeful Performance drives home the reality that organizations with a clear and inspirational purpose that is supported by a clear and concise plan - WIN. This must-read book guides you through the strategic planning and execution process that supports the purpose of your organization. Make your leadership team read it, own it, and live it.

    Russ Gentner, Founder, Director, Listen Technologies

  • Purposeful Performance is an essential read for anyone looking to ignite genuine connections and bring purpose back into their lives. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, Generation X, Y, and Z desperately need a guide to reclaim meaningful leadership interactions. This book offers timeless steps that you can return to again and again, ensuring that every encounter is heartfelt and impactful. Don’t just read this book—embrace it, live it, and watch how it transforms your leadership.

    Scott Cosens, COO, GROWlytica (a Marcavel company)

  • Throughout my career, I have been a co-founder and executive of multiple start-up companies in national security IT, and life sciences. Purposeful Performance serves as a well-crafted guide for transforming a meaningful purpose into a meaningful company. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to build or join an authentic organization or even just support one.

    Rob Collins, Founder, Investor, Strategic Advisor, Attorney

  • This book is a must-read for any entrepreneur or leader tired of the monotony of traditional strategic planning efforts and their inevitable frustrations. As you follow along, you will see yourself viewing these hurdles through a completely different lens and seeing how everything ultimately comes back to core impact and mission as the foundational element to driving success.

    Kyle DeVivo, Co-Founder, The Bus Network

  • In a world where business as usual is no longer enough, this book stands as a testament to transformative change. By embracing these principles, leaders can navigate their companies with clarity and conviction, fostering sustainable success and positively impacting society. This is not just a book—it's a guide to creating a better future through business.

    Achiri Fru, MBA, Global Director of Sales, Carvil International

  • I struggle to finish most business books because of their disjointed structure, but this one is a page-turner. Purposeful Performance is the ultimate guide that you won't want to put down or go without. Not only does this book provide a roadmap for the planning and implementation process that all leadership teams should undertake, but it also incorporates engaging storytelling that makes it a must-read for any business.

    Will Plummer, CEO & Co-Founder, Trust My Group

  • In a sea of attention-seeking companies, this rare book is a must-read for anyone aiming to uncover the secret mix of unparalleled creativity and genuine connection. Your journey to a more purposeful and fulfilling life begins here—embrace it and be the change we all need.

    Clinton Belcher, President & CEO, CB Powers Enterprises Inc.

  • Purposeful Performance is a triumphant call to action. At a time when many are searching for meaning at work and for leaders who genuinely care about their people, this book urges us to stand up and embody its principles. I've read this book twice and already begun implementing its insights.

    Rajiv Jagota, Former CEO of a Publicly Traded Company, Board Member, Business Consultant

When You Use Simple Strategic Planning

Watch People and Revenue Grow

Without a clear strategy, your vision for growth and purpose can be lost in clutter and chaos. I present a straightforward strategic planning framework that brings clarity and direction to your team, ensuring everyone is always working on activities that will drive your business forward. With three easy steps, transition from uncertainty to clarity and experience purposeful growth.

This is our simple process:

Book a Call


Kickstart your journey. Create purpose, clarity, and meaning in your work.

Connect and Learn the Strategy Framework


Gain a clear understanding of your business direction and motivate your team.

Watch your people and business grow


Experience Growth: Bask in the progression of your purpose-driven business.

Beware the cost of confusion - it might be your business’s growth.

Imagine a streamlined operation with purpose, clarity and a clear direction that propels your business forward.

Navigating the daily operations of your small business can become a whirlwind of uncertainty and frustration. Without a clear strategy, the vision for growth and purpose can become lost in the clutter.


Discover the key to creating a meaningful purpose that your organization can truly stand behind. By providing clarity, focus, and direction for your culture and brand, you can ensure everyone is united, aligned, and driven to make a positive impact.

Core Values

Your company culture is deliberately established and cared for from the start or created chaotically due to your employees's different opinions and experiences. Applying the guiding principles you establish for your business can give you a competitive edge.

Strategic Planning

Revenue increases with a tried-and-tested, uncomplicated, and clear strategic approach. Eliminate wasted time and ensure everyone is aligned toward achieving the same objectives through an implementation framework that delivers tangible outcomes.

Quarterly Action Plan

A quarterly execution framework designed to give leaders and managers the tools they need to guide their teams effectively, remove obstacles, promote transparent communication, and motivate team members.

MEAN Goals

Let go of the ineffective SMART goal system and discover the power of setting MEAN goals. These goals provide clarity and guidance, cultivating responsibility among leaders and managers in achieving their objectives.

Internal & External Impact

The Infinite Loop of Connection brings your team together and aligns them with your purpose and values. This helps identify meaningful interactions, experiences, and contributions for the greater good. It gives people a reason to care about you.

Every small business owner should have the tools to transmit their vision effectively to their teams, fostering employee engagement and driving business success. I have a simple plan delivered through 1-on-1 coaching, consulting, workshops, and speaking engagements. Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Embrace clarity and purpose today.

Learn and apply the planning framework that cuts through the chaos. With this in place, you can rise above the mundane and focus on the transformative growth of your venture.

Avoid the pitfalls of those who came before you.